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"Great use of recycled materials, I really enjoyed talking part, it looked stunning!" - Participant on a Polish Chandelier project (name withheld)
Primary School recycling project as part of the Britain in Bloom Campaign |
Collaborating with a Polish School and the wider community to create a Polish Chandelier, celebrating the heritage and culture of the community.and its place in Rugby. |
Arts Award Project with schools, at Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum |
Arts Week at Broad Spectrum Generic Special School |
Community Arts Days |
Cross-curriculum Sessions at Broad Spectrum Generic Special School |
Cross Curriculum Project at Cluster of High Schools in Warwickshire |
Health and Well Being Project with Community Groups across Warwickshire |
"Michaela was lovely and came across well. She was patient and encouraged everyone to take part. Great ideas!" - Sheila, animal workshop participant, Birmingham
"Its a great idea to have an artist visit the school. The children loved the activities and my grandson was really proud to show me the work he had done on the figures - they look really bright out there own the sunshine" - Carer of a student who took part
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